15th Annual Duck Race to End Racism
June 10, 2017 @ 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Presenting Sponsor
“Great or small – the service we do every day to drive diversity awareness does impact others. National Grid works to promote inclusion and diversity in the communities where our employees live, work, and play. We recognize that together we can bring about change to make the world a better place, and believe through respectful service and greater understanding we all have the power to end the darkness of racism.” @nationalgridus
Leadership Sponsor
Diversity Statement:
The Duck Race to End Racism will be held on Saturday, June 10, noon-4 p.m., at the Syracuse Inner Harbor.
The Duck Race to End Racism is a free family festival that brings together people from all over the community. It features a huge line-up of children’s entertainment, cooperative games, face painting, community information booths and duck races galore. It is a celebration with people of many colors, many different backgrounds, and many different walks of life coming together to demonstrate what the world would look like if racism did not exist. Raffle tickets can be purchased for $5 each to participate in the general public Community Duck Race featuring many prizes and gifts.
For more information about tickets, sponsorship and nonprofit 50/50 raffle ticket sales,
contact Gwen Sanders at 315-449-3552, ext. 119, or email gsanders@interfaithworkscny.org.
Follow these links for more information:
Click here to read our Sponsors Diversity Statements
Register to be a volunteer for TERRA Maker Hall!
Listing of sponsorship levels and benefits
Printable sponsorship registration form
Non-profit and faith community partnership registration form
Non-profit & faith based organization 50/50 ticket sales
2016 Duck Race attendees participate in The Community Dance.