(315) 449-3552 | 1010 James St., Syracuse, NY 13203 | Community Calendar

A Special Message from the CEO

InterFaith Works board member and former Naval Officer Samuel Clemence, left, holds an American flag and looks on as former refugee Jihad Al Jiboury offered prepared remarks about coming to the U.S. from Iraq and what the American flag means to her during the agency’s Flag Day ceremony on June 14.
Dear Friends,

Yesterday, when we appealed to you to act on behalf of refugees, the 2019 Presidential Determination for refugee admissions was not yet announced. We now know the administration’s intentions, and the number is worse than we expected – 30,000 – the lowest level in U.S. history. This drastically low number will leave tens of thousands of vulnerable refugees without a chance at safety. A goal of 30,000 is indefensible and morally inexcusable.

The administration cited “capacity issues” as a key reason for the reduction from the typical 75,000. But the capacity issues arise from federal dismantling of the U.S. State Department’s staff and programs, which is deliberate and reprehensible. Communities around the country, including those of us in Central New York, are altogether prepared to welcome at least 75,000 refugees.

We remain committed to pursuing that goal, but we need your help. Refugees are more than just a number; they are families torn apart, children who have witnessed profound violence, and people seeking a chance to rebuild their lives and start over in safety. We can and should protect refugees and others fleeing violence or persecution. As people who care about refugees, we must make our voices heard and tell both the White House and Congress that 30,000 is inexcusable and that we must set a refugee admissions goal of at least 75,000. The White House is required under U.S. law to consult with Congress prior to setting the annual refugee admissions number. This has not happened yet, which means Congress can and must weigh in today.

Here’s what you can do, starting today:

Call Our Two U.S. Senators and Congressional Representative: Commit to making four calls to our federal elected officials TODAY and TOMORROW.
  • U.S. Rep. John Katko, 202-225-3701 or 315-423-5657
  • U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, 202-224-6542 or 315-423-5471
  • U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, 202-224-4451 or 315-448-0470
  • President Trump/White House, 202-456-1111

Here are some examples of what to say:

“I’m your constituent from

[CITY/TOWN], and I urge you to protect the refugee resettlement program. I am outraged that President Trump has set a new historic low for FY 2019’s refugee admissions goal at 30,000. We can and should protect refugees and others fleeing violence or persecution.”


“Refugee resettlement facilitates U.S. diplomatic, national security, and foreign policy interests. The White House is required to consult with Congress prior to setting the refugee admissions number, but they have not done so. Congress must act. I urge you to do everything in your power to see the administration resettle at least 75,000 refugees in 2019 and to stop the administration from further dismantling the resettlement program.”


“My community welcomes refugees, and I urge you to reflect the best of our nation by supporting refugee resettlement.”


Finally, feel free to share a personal story about standing in solidarity with refugees. Let them know the specific ways that refugees contribute and are welcomed into our community.

Share on Social Media: Here are some sample Twitter and Facebook messages: BREAKING: @SecPompeo just announced the LOWEST refugee admissions goal in history – 30k – putting the lives of vulnerable families in danger. We will not stand for this. @[MemberOfCongress]. Also, BREAKING: @SecPompeo‘s announcement of the lowest refugee admissions goal in history – 30k – is an affront to the countless American communities who have welcomed refugees and understand that they are valuable members of their cities and towns. @[MemberOfCongress]

Host a Press Conference or Vigil in Your Community: Consider inviting refugee leaders to tell their stories, faith leaders, business leaders and local elected officials. Invite the media to show a strong message of support to welcome refugees. Call the Rev. Gracious Moyo in our office at (315) 449-3552 ext. 111 and we will arrange for a refugee speaker.

Write an Opinion Editorial (Op-Ed) or Letter to the Editor: A well-placed piece in local media outlets has the power to influence decision makers and the public.

Beth A. Broadway, President & CEO
InterFaith Works of Central New York
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