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The kickoff for the Community Campaign for Love,  an initiative of the InterFaith Works Roundtable of Faith Leaders, will be held Sunday, Sept. 13, at 3 p.m. at Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ, 347 Cortland Ave., Syracuse. (Parking is available nearby at Bellegrove Missionary Baptist Church, 219 Martin Luther King West, Syracuse.) There will be a brief ceremony, and as a first symbolic act of love, we will be collecting soap, hygiene products, underwear, and socks for Rise Above Poverty, a local nonprofit that serves Syracuse children living in poverty. Please join us in bringing items to donate. Organizations are welcome to bring their signage to the event and show their support.

The campaign is inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Beloved Community,” in which Dr. King called us to form an “all-inclusive spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood where love and trust triumph over fear and hatred,” where there will be “understanding, redeeming goodwill for all,” and an “overowing love which is purely spontaneous, unmotivated, groundless and creative.” The campaign encourages appreciation and respect for our fellow community members and invites us to open our hearts and minds, leading to a practical love that results in action.

Read the invitation letter to this event.

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